
Through soil regeneration and biological farming methods, we have cultivated a diverse and fertile landscape that produces healthy food for our community.

Our Beginning

In 2003, we began growing organic fruits and vegetables on Rebecca’s family farm in rural, northeastern Clay County, Missouri. We focus on building the soil through biological farming methods, including extensive cover cropping. The farm is home to 2 farmers, 2 cats, 140 hens, 2 roosters and countless frogs, butterflies, birds and insects. Our infrastructure is focused on sustainable energy and includes a passive solar greenhouse, 30 gpm solar-powered irrigation system, electric tractor and utility vehicle, and a 20kW solar array. The 200+ acre family farm is planted in native grasses, good habitat for deer, turkey, quail, coyotes, and many other species of wildlife.

“Feed the Soil, Feed the People”


Our Community

At the heart of Fair Share Farm are the families that join us in our efforts through Community Supported Agriculture. Members receive first choice of our latest small batch products, are invited to participate on the farm during our monthly farm days and gain a deeper connection to the land and the people who grow their food. We welcome you to join our community of happy eaters!

View our CSA info 


years of farming


acre family farm


pounds of carbon dioxide sequestered

Our Practice

At our farm we do this through a combination of cover cropping, mulching, compost application, chicken rotations, mineral additions, and water management. Our mission is to constantly improve the soil and in return create more nutritional produce while bettering our local ecosystem.

View the Science behind Fair Share  

Our Ferments

Ferments deserve a place at the table during most every meal. As live culture‐foods, they are a natural digestive aid. We recommend adding them to your diet for both health and flavor. Our ferments are made by hand in small batches and more than 95% of their contents were raised on our farm.

View our ferments 

Our Mission

At Fair Share Farm we believe that if you want nutritious food, you must first start with healthy soil. For, since you are what you eat, you are also what your plants eat.

It is the job of a biological farmer to feed the soil. Just like us, the soil has an appetite and the ability to grow. In order to add soil and organic matter to a farm it is necessary to provide a diverse diet, and a substantial amount of organic matter each year. 

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